We undertake building maintenance and repair services that includes works undertaken for maintaining proper conditioning of building, its service and work in ordinary use. The use for which buildings are designed is the main factor in determining the required standard of maintenance. Facilities require a certain amount of upkeep to look their best, maintain a safe environment and serve their intended function. We conduct regular inspections to determine areas that need attention and then perform the tasks. We cover a wide range of areas such as replacing a worn doorknob, oiling a squeaky hinge or replacing a damaged floorboard and also inspect for burned-out light bulbs and replace them, change the filters in the air conditioning system or replace a hard-to- operate lock. Our team offers comprehensive experience across disciplines, including electrical, HVAC, plumbing, concrete, flooring, millwork and cabinetry, doors, windows, stud framing, and drywall. Customers can trust in our dependable service to protect value and to keep their facilities in pristine condition. From general upkeep such as painting to critical system repairs our team is uniquely suited to exceed customer expectations. Our services are suitable in a range of situations including expansions, remodeling, renovations, tenant improvements, and plant facility repairs. Apart from this, we provide different kinds of maintenance services to your property such as
Our skilled engineers conduct regular inspections to determine areas that need attention and then perform the tasks. We conduct thorough check and inspection for burned-out light bulbs and replace them, change the filters in the air conditioning system or replace a hard-to- operate lock. Moreover, the provided routine maintenance services are in accordance with set industrial standards norms.
We make sure that electrical installation is made safe by getting it installed and maintained through our licensed authority.
Preventive maintenance is carried out to avoid breakdown of machinery and occurrence of maintenance problems in buildings and services. Works of preventive maintenance are carried out on the basis of regular inspection survey. Preventive maintenance includes works to prevent deterioration of building parts from mildew, insect attack, water damage, heavy usage, accidental damage and other concerns.
Some surfaces need more than just aesthetic review, like cleaning and painting. Steel surfaces including staircases, entrance walkways, awnings, and other decorative details need protection from the elements, and proper coating to prevent rust and deterioration. Structural components like beams and pillars need regular review, and protective coatings to keep them resilient.